Own a local business? You need to read this to grow your business!

50% of users who search for a local business on a mobile device visit or call that business within a day

Is your business showing up on the front page of Google for Hamilton search results?  If not, you’re missing out on clients, and income.

When customers are searching for your product and services, showing up on the front page of Google can be the deciding factor between a business that’s thriving and one that’s not.

Research has shown that 50% of users who search for a local business on a mobile device visit or call that business within a day

Reference: https://searchenginewatch.com/sew/study/2343577/google-local-searches-lead-50-of-mobile-users-to-visit-stores-study

Local SEO in Hamilton

And Google says these people are ready to buy once they are in a store, as 18 percent of local searches lead to sales, compared to 7 percent for non-local searches.

Google’s new study looks at local search intent and resulting action – what information people seek when they perform a local search or are on a particular device, and how that affects their decisions and purchasing behavior.


If you’re a local Hamilton business, this means it’s essential that your business rank in the Local Google Organic Search and Google’s Snack Pack (the Google Map Listings) because customers are actively searching for your product and services.

Here is a screenshot of how a Google Snack Pack (Google Search Map Listing) looks when searching in Hamilton.

Google Snack Pack Hamilton SEO

So, if you want to get your website ranked in Google Snack Pack and in Google Organic Search Listing, contact Duoplus Hamilton’s SEO specialist. At Duoplus we help businesses in Hamilton grow their traffic and leads with Search Engine Optimisation, or “SEO” for short.  We can help your website rank higher in Google and help grow your business too.

Read the full article for Local SEO Hamilton Business.


Get your business noticed by creating an online directory listing. Listings are FREE and you can create as many as you need.